Saturday, October 13, 2012

Public Transportation (Chap 7)

  This is a picture inside one of the long buses in LA. I always ride one of these to school via Orange Line. Yes, it gets really crowded.  It shows how populated LA is.  (this image is not mine, it is from

     I live in a place where I have good access to public transportation. I live near main roads and intersections so it's not hard for me to get around. First I take a 5 minute ride to the Beverly subway station, then I take the Red Line(subway), then I take the Orange Line, then I take another bus at Reseda to get to CSUN. It takes me about 2 hours to get to school, that's including the waiting time and the stops. I love the Metro!
     How should I relate this to the Bypassed East chapter of the book? Well, I can only relate it by talking about how opposite my area is to the Bypassed East.  Like I mentioned earlier I am near or right on the transportation lines so my place is not at all bypassed. It is not easy for one to live and work in the Bypassed East because of the harsh climate (often cold and damp), the terrain, the quality of the soil for agriculture.  We don't really have a harsh climate here in Los Angeles.  I am still able to grow my plants in my balcony even with very hot weather.  I'm not sure about the quality of the soil where I live, probably not sufficient for farming, but the trees, bushes, and grass here are green.  Los Angeles is so much more populated than the Bypassed East.  Why did I pick transportation for this section? Because my area has abundance of it and it just shows that my area is populated, not ignored, significant, not bypassed.  It shows how the area is thriving and connected.

    This is a map of the Los Angeles bus system routes.  (The image is from )

     Here is a video talking about Koreatown and mentions metro transportation.  It shows how it is a bustling place.

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