Friday, October 12, 2012

CARS!!! (Chap 5)

                                (this image is not mine, it is from

     There are so many cars here in Los Angeles!  This is where the freeway is born. The first freeway in the US connected Downtown Los Angeles with Pasadena. People of Los Angeles are so dependent on their vehicles in order to get around. People can't live without them. I don't drive at all.  I have always taken the bus or the subway to get around LA. Sure it takes longer, but you get used to it.  It is cheaper to commute (only 5 dollars for a metro day pass.) and you are helping the environment.
     Chapter 5 of the book talks about the North American manufacturing core.  Well, I chose to blog about the cars in LA because it shows how dependent we are to those manufacturers in the US and abroad.  Our cars are made out of metal or steel.  The sources of these materials and other minerals are found here in North America.  According to the book, the US and Canada are "blessed with natural resources that drive heavy industry."  I looked up where our cars are made here in the US.  I went to and found that the cars that are made in the US are manufactured and assembled in states like South Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky, Illinois, Texas, and other states.  No car manufacturers in California according to that website.  So I googled "car manufacturers in California" and found that there are about 30 manufacturers/companies located in the state.

Here are the links , , (electric car manufacturers in California)

                        Here is a video pertaining to LA traffic and its history.  It's a good short video!

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